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Gently Led Sisters
May 12, 20235 min read
To all the Imperfect Moms
Twenty five years ago, I lost my dad. And then I had my first Father's Day. Grief hit me hard on that holiday, like a punch in the gut. I...
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Gently Led Sisters
Jan 31, 20233 min read
Deciding To Be A Wife And Mom Is Not Settling
Deciding to be a wife and mom is not "settling." I could have chosen a career. But I didn't. I chose to get married at 20. I could have...
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Gently Led Sisters
Dec 8, 20224 min read
Marriage is not a Hallmark Christmas Movie
Marriage is great. Marriage is wonderful. Marriage is a wonderful institution created by God. But marriage is not a Hallmark Christmas...
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Gently Led Sisters
Oct 7, 20224 min read
A "Selfish" Life?
I saw a video last night that made me laugh and laugh. In it, a single, childless woman was talking about how people like me- people who...
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Gently Led Sisters
Sep 29, 20225 min read
The Music Of Your Life
When teaching my piano students, I often tell them- "Do you know what the key to success is? Practice. I can only give you a 30 minute...
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Gently Led Sisters
Aug 27, 20224 min read
The "Lasts"
Everyone always talks about the "firsts" in life. Your first memory. Your first day of school. Your first piano recital. Your first time...
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Gently Led Sisters
Aug 2, 20226 min read
To My Children...
Seeing my children grow up right before my very eyes has me all emotional this summer. I know my time with them is limited, and soon my...
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Gently Led Sisters
Jun 22, 20225 min read
Making Your Reality Beautiful
When I was a teenager and even young adult, I would have what I called, "Post Vacation Crash". Any time that I got back from going on a...
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Gently Led Sisters
May 6, 20225 min read
The Desires of My Heart Fulfilled
I have always loved babies. I have always loved kids. I have always loved babysitting them, playing with them, laughing with them. From...
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Gently Led Sisters
Mar 23, 20227 min read
When you Can't Think Logically-What They Don't Tell you About Postpartum Depression
It's been 16 months since Hannah was born. I finally feel like the Cassandra that I have known my whole life. For almost a year, I didn't...
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Gently Led Sisters
Mar 4, 20225 min read
The Pastor's Wife
She silently supports her man, cheering him on when it seems like even the gates of hell are against him. She runs the home, raises the...
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Gently Led Sisters
Dec 18, 20214 min read
One Day
One day I will be able to drink my coffee in the peace and quiet of a still morning. But that day is not today. One day I will be able to...
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Gently Led Sisters
Oct 7, 20216 min read
When Breastfeeding is Hard
I bought formula for my 10 month old today. I picked what I wanted, put it in the cart, and continued on with my shopping- guilt free. To...
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Gently Led Sisters
May 7, 20215 min read
You Choose Your Hard
It's 10 pm here. The house is silent. Finally. I sit with my cup of tea and stare at the computer screen. "It's Mother's Day weekend. You...
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Gently Led Sisters
Feb 19, 20212 min read
Handprint Smudges
I walked into the foyer of the church the other day, and saw handprints all over the glass doors. It looked like hundreds of handprints-...
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Gently Led Sisters
Nov 7, 20207 min read
To All of the Young Moms...
Motherhood is hard. It is exhausting in every area- mentally, physically, and emotionally. It is constantly giving, giving, giving, only...
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Gently Led Sisters
May 29, 20207 min read
Personal Application, or a Battering Ram?
I have been saved a long time. In that time, I have seen it all. Christians are made out of the same flesh as anyone, and for me...
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Gently Led Sisters
May 8, 20206 min read
What I have Lost and Gained Being a Mother
Last night, I was looking in the mirror at myself. Being pregnant with baby number 8, my stomach muscles have been stretched to the max...
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Gently Led Sisters
May 1, 20204 min read
Seeing Babies as Blessings
From the moment that you get a positive on a pregnancy test, you are in love. You start planning the future for the new little person...
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Gently Led Sisters
Apr 25, 20206 min read
For Such A Time As This
I had a conversation with a friend last night. And it got me to thinking. I am very passionate about what I believe. I am passionate...
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